Lancashire strategy for children who go missing - consultation

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Purpose This strategy has been written as an overarching document to bring together the various strands of children who go missing and is not intended to provide the finer detail of why children go missing or contain in-depth information about the various services policies or procedures.

It is hoped that in bringing together this information people who work with children, young people and families will have a clearer picture about the vulnerability of children who go missing. It is also hoped that the wider workforce (police, health children's services, voluntary sector, schools other) will have the opportunity to review and improve the various ways in which we can all work together to secure the safety of children and young people who go missing in Lancashire.

We would welcome your participation and assistance and request that you read the strategy and answer the following questions so that we can take your collective answers into consideration.
Subject Vulnerable children and families
Commissioned by Jacqui Dunning, Strategy Development Officer, Integrated Services Development Team
Geographic area All of Lancashire
Method Questionnaire - online
Consultation with General public
Public authorities
Date 06/09/2012 - 30/09/2012
Undertaken by Jacqui Dunning, Strategy Development Officer, Integrated Services Development Team

Project document(s)


Contact information

For more information about this research contact:

Jacqui Dunning
07887 831478