Living in Lancashire wave 40

New Search

Purpose The objective of this survey is to look at people's views about economic development, financial inclusion, winter gritting, employment, travel to work and social care (dementia).
Subject Economy and regeneration
Road and pavement maintenance and repairs
Road safety
Priorities for social care services
Other topic
Commissioned by Environment, Adult & Community Services, JSNA and LCDL teams
Geographic area All of Lancashire
Method Questionnaire - online
Questionnaire - postal
Consultation with Life in Lancashire panel
Date 13/02/2013 - 23/03/2013
Undertaken by Corporate Research and Intelligence Team


Number in sample 2693
Number of responses 1964
Response rate 72%
Key findings 20mph speed limits
- Over eight out of every ten respondents (84%) are aware that 20 mph speed limits are being introduced in residential areas across Lancashire.
- Almost three-quarters of respondents (72%) agreed that introducing 20 mph speed limits in residential areas will make them safer.
- Three-quarters of respondents (75%) do not think that the majority of drivers will stick to the 20 mph speed limits.

Winter gritting service
- Almost three-quarters of respondents (74%) are satisfied with the winter gritting services
- Over a third of respondents (35%) feel they are well informed about the winter gritting services but over half of respondents (53%) don't feel well informed or informed at all.
- Panel members were most likely to get their information on winter gritting services from radio travel bulletins (27%), television travel bulletins (23%), and word of mouth (25%). Around a fifth of respondents didn't receive any information through the listed channels (22%).

Financial inclusion
- Almost all respondents (98%) have a bank or a building society current account.
- Almost all respondents (98%) can access to their day-to-day finances from a post office, bank or building society.
- Over a quarter of respondents (26%) would not know who to go to for advice about not being able to meet regular payments on outstanding debts, or a sudden loss of income eg redundancy.
- Three out of every ten respondents (30%) would not know who to go to for advice about struggling to make ends meet, and almost three out of every ten respondents (28%) would not know who to go to for advice about a large sudden one off cost, eg repairs to a car.

Project document(s)



Contact information

For more information about this research contact:

Melissa Sherliker
01772 535019

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