Minerals and Waste Local Plan Review

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Purpose The Minerals and Waste Local Plan (the adopted Core Strategy, and adopted Site Allocation document) contains land use planning policies that are used by each of the three authorities to determine planning applications for minerals or waste developments.

We are starting to review the Joint Lancashire Minerals and Waste Local Plan. The review is intended to extend the plan period to 2032 (15 years from the anticipated date of adoption). The first stage in the review is the scoping consultation.

The purpose of the scoping consultation is to consult with stakeholders on the scope of the Local Plan Review, to invite comments on what the review of the local plans should contain, and identify the issues from the evidence presented. It seeks to ensure that any issues which may influence the content of the revised Local Plan are identified at the beginning of the drafting process.

The Local Plan Review Scoping Consultation document, and the other supporting documents, can also be viewed at the libraries and main council offices described in the list of inspection points below.

If you wish to promote a site for inclusion in the Local Plan please include details of its location, the type and scale of development proposed, its likely market catchment, an indicative trajectory of development, and an assessment of its sustainability.
Subject Other topic
Commissioned by Planning Policy Group
Geographic area All of Lancashire
Method Questionnaire - online
Written consultation
Consultation with Businesses
General public
Date 07/11/2014 - 19/12/2014
Undertaken by Planning Policy Group

Project document(s)


Contact information

For more information about this research contact:

Richard Sharples
01772 534294

Email: lmwf@lancashire.gov.uk