Historic Environment Service consultation

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Purpose Under the county council's budget proposals funding for the Historic Environment Service will cease on 31 March 2016. The service currently provides a strategic framework for the protection of historical and archaeological sites in Lancashire, along with day-to-day advice and information. More specifically, the service currently provides:

- maintenance of the Lancashire Historic Environment Record, an index of over 25,000 known heritage assets containing details of archaeological sites and other historic features;
- public access to the Lancashire Historic Environment Record, covering both paper and electronic formats;
- development control advice to local planning authorities that have a 'service level agreement' with the county council, under which the service assesses the implications of the planning application on known heritage assets and any investigations, recording or other actions required;
- advice on the need for and scope of investigative work to obtain more detailed information by desk-based or field survey, building assessment or trial trenching.

The service is used by local planning authorities (including the county council itself), prospective developers, householders, members of the public, as well as other land managers and grant awarding bodies, fellow archaeologists and academic researchers.

Provided that it can be undertaken at no cost (now or ongoing) to the county council, if your organisation would be interested in taking on the provision of one or more of the activities above, please click on the link above and provide your details, so we can contact you to discuss the issue further.
Subject Other topic
Commissioned by Historic Environment Service
Geographic area All of Lancashire
Method Questionnaire - online
Consultation with General public
Date 04/01/2016 - 27/03/2016
Undertaken by Business Intelligence

Contact information

For more information about this research contact:

0300 123 6701

Email: haveyoursay@lancashire.gov.uk