Short term supported accommodation service user consultation 2016

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Purpose Lancashire County Council needs to make savings of £262m by 2020/21. This extremely difficult financial position is due to continued cuts in Government funding, rising costs and rising demand for our key services.

As part of the savings, the county council is proposing to stop funding for the support within short term supported accommodation services from 31 March 2017, with the exception of funding for some services for young people who the county council have a legal duty to help.

Although we don't know what this will mean for each service, there is a possibility for any or some of the following to take place:
- the service closes;
- the service continues with major changes (eg reduction in number of staff); or
- the service continues with little change as your provider has managed to obtain other funding (eg from charities not Supporting People)

People usually stay in short-term supported accommodation for about six to nine months. Consequently this proposal would be unlikely to directly affect you. However, it could impact on other people who may use this service after March 2017.

This questionnaire will help us understand: more about the service you currently receive; how important the service is to you; and your thoughts about how the proposals could affect people who need services in the future.

Your views and comments will be fed back to the county council's cabinet
Subject Other topic
Commissioned by Supporting People
Geographic area All of Lancashire
Method Questionnaire - online
Questionnaire - postal
Consultation with Service users
Date 21/04/2016 - 17/07/2016
Undertaken by Business Intelligence

Project document(s)


Contact information

For more information about this research contact:

(01772) 534266