Family health visiting and school nursing consultation GP survey

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Purpose The responsibility for children's public health commissioning for 5-19 year olds, specifically school nursing, transferred from NHS England to local authorities on 1 April 2013. The responsibility for children's public health commissioning for 0-5 year olds, specifically health visiting, transferred from NHS England to local authorities on 1 October 2015.

The current contracts with providers will end in March 2017. A local authority tender for a 0-19 Healthy Child Programme including public health nursing services will begin shortly. Lancashire County Council Public Health team are keen to engage all potential stakeholders in preparation for this tender including GPs.

As a result of ongoing and additional government cuts, Lancashire County Council is redesigning a number of children and young people's public health services including the 0-19 healthy child programme. The majority of this delivery will be led by public health nursing, health visiting and school nursing services.

The Healthy Child Programme is the early intervention and prevention public health programme that lies at the heart of our universal services for all children and families. At a crucial stage of life the Healthy Child Programme provides an invaluable opportunity to identify families that are in need of additional support and also children who are at risk of poor outcomes.

We would welcome your views about these services.
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Commissioned by Wellbeing, Prevention and Early Help
Geographic area All of Lancashire
Method Questionnaire - online
Consultation with Special interest group
Date 05/07/2016 - 05/08/2016
Undertaken by Business Intelligence