Lancashire Cycling and Walking Strategy 2016-2026 initial consultation

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Purpose The county council is consulting on the draft Lancashire Cycling and Walking Strategy 2016-2026.

The strategy outlines a vision for increasing cycling and walking activity across Pan-Lancashire, and identifies economic growth, health and wellbeing, community and the environment as the key drivers for investment. The strategy includes information on how activities relating to Place, People, Promotion and Policy will be used to deliver the strategy vision.

The consultation seeks the views of all stakeholders in relation to this strategy. Your feedback will help us to ensure that the strategy will be effective in delivering an increase in cycling and walking across the Pan-Lancashire geographic area over the next 10 years.
Subject Other topic
Commissioned by Michelle Holroyd, Planning and Environment Service
Geographic area All of Lancashire
Method Written consultation
Consultation with Businesses
General public
Public authorities
Special interest group
Date 14/09/2016 - 09/03/2017
Undertaken by Michelle Holroyd

Project document(s)


Contact information

For more information about this research contact:

Michelle Holroyd 01772 531051