Older people's day time supports - provider consultation

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Purpose Day time supports help older people and people with dementia to remain independent, be socially active and improve their wellbeing.

Lancashire County Council is changing the way that it commissions day time supports to make it easier for service users, families and carers to find a day time support service that meets their needs and to provide a minimum quality standard that service users can expect.

To ensure that we get our approach to commissioning and our minimum quality standards right, we are asking for feedback from providers on the commissioning concept and draft standards.

Please read the day time supports event presentation which explains in more detail why our approach is changing and the draft minimum quality standards document before completing the questionnaire (both available below).

This consultation is for providers only.
Subject Older people
Commissioned by Clare Mattinson, Commissioning - Age Well
Geographic area All of Lancashire
Method Questionnaire - online
Consultation with Businesses
Date 28/07/2017 - 18/08/2017
Undertaken by Business Intelligence

Project document(s)


Contact information

For more information about this research contact:

Commissioning - Age Well
Email: CommissioningAgeWell@lancashire.gov.uk