PSS Adult Social Care Survey 2016/17
Purpose | The Adult Social Care Survey (ASCS) is a national survey that has been used to collect the views of adult social care service users every year since 2010/11. The main purpose of the survey is to provide assured, benchmarked local data to support local decision making in a challenging financial climate. The survey provides an overall quality of life index, intelligence to identify if different types of service user experience different outcomes and intelligence about whether services are meeting service users' needs. The ASCS includes service users in residential and nursing care as well as those who receive services in the community, with the exception of service users who lack the capacity to consent to take part. |
Subject |
Priorities for social care services |
Commissioned by | NHS Digital |
Geographic area |
All of Lancashire |
Method |
Questionnaire - postal |
Consultation with |
Service users |
Date | 01/02/2017 - 30/03/2017 |
Undertaken by | Business Intelligence |
Number in sample | 1198 |
Number of responses | 475 |
Response rate | 39% |
Project document(s)
Contact information
For more information about this research contact:
Melissa Sherliker
01772 535019