Lancashire advocacy services consultation 2018

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Purpose Due to severe budget constraints the county council proposes to reduce the provision of advocacy that is not required to be provided by law.

Specifically, the county council proposes to reduce the budget for lower-level advocacy services by 50% for the remainder of the contract, which ends 1 May 2019.

The county council will make a final decision on the proposals following an eight-week public consultation and production of a final Cabinet report. All submissions to the consultation will be considered.

If accepted, the proposals will mean that level 3 support would be discontinued for the remainder of the contract. Face-to-face support would be removed from level 2 support and replaced with a single session of one-to-one contact, provided via telephone or email (or other digital channels) only. The single point of contact and initial screening service, as well as level 1 support, would remain in place.

The statutory element of the advocacy service will remain in place as it is unaffected by these proposals.

Current contracts between the county council and advocacy providers have been in effect since May 2016 and are due to end in May 2019. A full review of advocacy services will be carried out later in 2018 in preparation for the awarding of a new advocacy contract and the selection of a new provider, or providers, to deliver our advocacy services from the beginning of May 2019.
Subject Other topic
Commissioned by Commissioning (Live Well)
Geographic area All of Lancashire
Method Questionnaire - online
Consultation with Carers (social care)
Service users
Special interest group
Date 26/02/2018 - 22/04/2018
Undertaken by Commissioning (Live Well)

Project document(s)
