Life in Lancashire Wave 15

New Search

Purpose The main question areas looked at usage and satisfaction with contacting the county and district council, the likely use of online payments for Lancashire County Council services, the usage of road safety education and the awareness of the Road Safety Group, and satisfaction with the county council and the local area.
Subject Communications
Quality of life
Road safety
Commissioned by Suzie Evans (Road Safety Advisor) and Margaret Fisher (Corporate Web Manager)
Geographic area All of Lancashire
Method Questionnaire - postal
Consultation with Life in Lancashire panel
Date 15/02/2006 - 24/03/2006
Undertaken by Corporate Research and Intelligence Team, Policy Unit


Number in sample 2406
Number of responses 1640
Response rate 68%
Key findings Three in ten of the citizens' panel have contacted Lancashire County Council in the last 12 months. People contacting were most likely to do so to ask for information or help and advice, or to report a problem. The majority did so by telephone. The majority of respondents were satisfied with the final outcome of their call or visit. All factors of customer service were seen as important, especially the accuracy of information and the helpfulness of staff.

About half of respondents have made payments online using a credit or debit card. About half would pay for goods or services from the county council using their card.

Nine in ten of the panel say they definitely agree that road safety education is an important part of a child's education. Most people felt that the child's parents and school should provide road safety education.

Three in five of the panel had not heard of any of the services
provided by the Road Safety Group. There is a high awareness of the Think! logo, with about three quarters of respondents having seen it. Local newspapers are the most common current and most preferred media for finding out about road safety.
Outcomes We are promoting our driver and rider training schemes more widely - such as the recently redesigned `Drive On' programme - using BBC Radio Lancashire's on-air and web channels. These courses help to increase people's confidence and awareness of the road environment, give advice about avoiding bad habits, and refresh skills and Highway Code knowledge.

You thought that road safety should be part of children's education and the school curriculum. So, we've just launched a new school resource called `Journeys' that provides information for parents and will be used to educate children about road safety in pre-school, primary and secondary school.

We have started a 12-month campaign, in partnership with BBC Radio Lancashire, for promoting the services we offer and road safety information. We will be using radio airtime, the BBC Bus (which tours around the county), the BBC Action Line, and the BBC Radio Lancashire website. We will also be continuing our work with the media and exhibitions, and developing a number of new leaflets to further improve road safety.

Project document(s)


Marked up questionnaire(s)

Contact information

For more information about this research contact:

Melissa Sherliker
01772 535019


Related information

Life in Lancashire members' website: