Highways and Transport Masterplanning - Lancaster

New Search

Purpose We are consulting with the public and interested organisations to narrow down options for two highways schemes in Lancaster.

The M6 Junction 33 Link Road and Infrastructure concerns the delivery of infrastructure to deliver new housing in south Lancaster (the South Lancaster Strategic Growth Area); and, the Lancaster City Centre Movement and Public Realm Strategy concerns the improvement of accessibility for walking, cycling and public transport in and around the city centre.
Subject Planning services
The environment
Traffic management, traffic calming measures
Commissioned by Infrastructure Delivery Team (Planning and Environment Services)
Geographic area Lancaster
Method Questionnaire - online
Consultation with Businesses
General public
Date 26/10/2020 - 08/12/2020
Undertaken by Planning and Environment Service

Contact information

For more information about this research contact:

Transforming Lancaster Travel team:
telephone: 01772 535479
postal address: Transforming Lancaster Travel, Infrastructure Delivery Team, Lancashire County Council, County Hall, Pitt Street, Preston, PR1 0LD

Email: TLT@lancashire.gov.uk