Red Marsh Special School consultation

New Search

Purpose We are seeking your views about our proposal to expand Red Marsh School, Holly Road, Thornton-Cleveleys, FY5 4HH by creating separate 'satellite' provision.

Red Marsh School is a special school for pupils with severe learning difficulties, profound and multiple learning difficulties and autism spectrum conditions. This is a school for pupils between the ages of 2 and 19 years.

We are proposing to develop three more classrooms in the Haven building. The Haven is a separate school building that is on the same site as Northfold Community Primary School, Ringway, Thornton Cleveleys, FY5 2NL. It is an empty school building that is 1.6 miles away from Red Marsh School.

Red Marsh School would be responsible for the education of any children that are taught on the Haven site and they would receive the same teaching and support as they would if they were taught at Red Marsh School. This is what is known as 'satellite' provision and will be governed and managed by the governing body and senior leadership team of Red Marsh School.

Red Marsh School has 94 pupils on roll. The use of three classrooms in the Haven building would create up to 30 special school places for primary age children with special educational needs. All pupils attending the school at either the Red Marsh School site or the Haven site would have education, health and care plans.
Subject Schools (nursery, primary, secondary, special)
Commissioned by Inclusion service
Geographic area Fylde
Method Questionnaire - online
Consultation with General public
Date 15/09/2021 - 21/10/2021
Undertaken by Business Intelligence, Research and Consultation

Contact information

For more information about this research contact:

Inclusion Service 01772 531597
