Proposal to increase special school places at Lostock Hall Moor Hey School

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Purpose This is an informal consultation about making a prescribed alteration to a school in accordance with The School Organisation (Prescribed Alterations to Maintained Schools) (England) Regulations 2013.

We are proposing to expand the number of special school places by thirty. Ten places in accommodation already being built and funded by the school, ten places which may become available subject to future funding for building works and ten places in a Key Stage 4 satellite provision. We want to assure you that we will give careful consideration to all your comments and opinions.

This is an initial informal consultation that we are carrying out as part of the process to make a change like this to the school.
Lostock Hall Moor Hey School is a special school for pupils with generic learning difficulties, catering for pupils aged 4-16. The proposal is to expand the school by creating 10 places in accommodation already being built and funded by the school, 10 places which may become available subject to future funding for building works and 10 places in a Key Stage 4 satellite provision.

All the children and young people attending the satellite provision will be on roll at Lostock Hall Moor Hey School. Lostock Hall Moor Hey School will be responsible for the education of these children and young people and they will receive the same teaching and support as they would if they were taught on the Lostock Hall Moor Hey School site.We have considered the options for increasing the number of special school places in the Preston area with the head teachers of the special schools in that area.

We have discussed this proposal with the headteachers and governors of Lostock Hall Moor Hey School. We are seeking your views about our proposal to expand Lostock Hall Moor Hey School and whether you think this is a good idea.

Subject Schools (nursery, primary, secondary, special)
Commissioned by Inclusion Service
Geographic area Preston
Method Questionnaire - online
Consultation with Parents/carers
Service users
Date 24/03/2022 - 03/05/2022
Undertaken by Business Intelligence, Research and Consultation

Contact information

For more information about this research contact:

Inclusion Service
Tel: 01772 531597