Life in Lancashire Wave 11

New Search

Purpose The main questions areas were assessing panel members' experience of crime in the last 12 months, finding how safe residents feel in their neighbourhood and how much of a problem a variety of factors is in their area (eg vandalism etc), investigating how safe people feel in their homes and while travelling, finding out awareness of and likely usage of the Lancashire Record Office.
Subject Crime and community safety
Lancashire Record Office
Commissioned by Lancashire Record Office
Geographic area All of Lancashire
Method Questionnaire - postal
Consultation with Life in Lancashire panel
Date 12/05/2004 - 21/06/2004
Undertaken by Corporate Research and Intelligence Team, Policy Unit


Number in sample 2818
Number of responses 1783
Response rate 63%
Key findings One in eight of the panel have been a victim of crime in the past 12 months. Vandalism and theft are the most frequently mentioned. Three in five reported all the crimes they were victims of, while a fifth did not report any. Dog fouling, litter and young people hanging around are considered the biggest problem in residents' local areas. Young people hanging around, youths drinking and rowdy behaviour make the greatest proportion feel unsafe.

A third of the panel think they, or someone in their household will research family history in the next three years. Two in five of the panel had heard of the Lancashire Record Office by name before, the same proportion had never heard of it. One in twelve of the panel have contacted the Record Office in the last three years.
Outcomes Crime and disorder

The Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships are currently assessing the ways we tackle crime and disorder in the county. Your views on crime and disorder are feeding directly into priorities for action in each of the 12 Lancashire districts.

These priorities will then be acted upon by each of the District Community Safety Partnerships, and action plans will be put into practice in spring. We will keep you up to date with how things are progressing.

Our role in promoting community safety is very broad. Just some of our responsibilities are maintaining street lighting, consumer protection, promotion of safe travel on public transport, tackling youth offending through the Lancashire Youth Offending Team, and protecting those vulnerable to and fearful of crime. We are sharing your concerns about crime and disorder with these teams.

Lancashire Record Office

It has confirmed many of their suspicions and has also helped them target their efforts to improve the services they give.

A series of roadshows is being run during this autumn in west and east Lancashire to promote the Record Office. The exhibitions will give visitors a chance to meet staff, ask questions about research and discover what documents are available. They are also continuing with Saturday and late-night openings and are reviewing how these can be extended. Contact the Lancashire Record Office for further details.

Lancashire Record Office continues to increase the number of documents it has available, but it needs your help. They would like any organisations or individuals to send them anything they think represents life in Lancashire, either today or in the past. Records can be deposited free of charge.

Project document(s)


Marked up questionnaire(s)

Contact information

For more information about this research contact:

Melissa Sherliker
01772 535019


Related information

Life in Lancashire members' website: