A formal consultation about developing a SEN Unit at Barrowford School

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Purpose We are seeking your views about a proposal to create a special educational needs (SEN) unit within Barrowford Primary School.

What are we planning to do?
The proposal is to create an SEN unit for up to sixteen children with communication and interaction needs at Barrowford Primary School.
All of these children will have education, health and care plans. Some of these children will transfer from another school to Barrowford Primary School so that they can attend the SEN unit.
Children attending the SEN unit may be taught in the unit for some of the time and at other times when appropriate they will be taught with other children in existing classes.
All children already on roll at Barrowford Primary School will still be able to attend the school and this change will not affect current admission criteria and numbers.

Why are we doing this?
To give families more choice about the type of school they would like their child to attend. Barrowford Primary School is a 'Good' school (Ofsted)
To make sure there is specialist support and enough special school places for all children with special educational needs.
There is evidence to show that existing pupils, whether or not they have special educational needs, will benefit from the specialist knowledge of staff working with children in the SEN unit leading to an overall enhancement in the quality of teaching throughout the school.
There is a particular need for SEN units in the Lancashire East area.

How will we do this?
By making sure the needs of every child and young person in the school are met, whether or not they have special educational needs.
By making sure that all staff have the training they need to support the children whether they are in the SEN unit or attending mainstream lessons

By providing funding for any adaptations to the school building through the basic needs grant provided by the local authority.
The school will receive additional funding from the high needs block to provide support for all pupils attending the unit, in line with the funding for places at specialist schools. This means the school should not be financially disadvantaged by the creation of the unit.
Subject Schools (nursery, primary, secondary, special)
Commissioned by Inclusion Service
Geographic area Pendle
Method Questionnaire - online
Consultation with Schools/parents/governors
Date 15/04/2024 - 20/05/2024
Undertaken by Business Intelligence

Contact information

For more information about this research contact:

Inclusion Service
01772 531597
Email: Inclusion.South@Lancashire.gov.uk