Life in Lancashire Wave 7

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Purpose The Trading Standards questions were designed to help the council understand what the public knows about the work of Trading Standards, and to find out the public's views on priorities for this service.

The Disability questions were designed to help the council understand the attitudes held towards disability, to help it develop its existing work with and on behalf of disabled residents.

Panel members were also asked a number of questions about their general perceptions of their local area, partly to provide some 'general interest' questions to start the questionnaire, but also to provide useful information about residents' concerns and priorities.
Subject Trading standards
Equality and diversity
Quality of life
Commissioned by Corporate Communications Group
Geographic area All of Lancashire
Method Questionnaire - postal
Consultation with Life in Lancashire panel
Date 27/01/2003 - 27/02/2003
Undertaken by RBA Research Ltd


Number in sample 1477
Number of responses 980
Response rate 66%
Key findings Eight in ten say they are satisfied with their local area as a place to live. The most mentioned good things about their local area are openness, greenery and countryside, and being convenient for shops. The main bad things are facilities for young people, streets not clean, and the amount or speed of

Half of panel members say they have experienced one or more problems in relation to goods and services purchased in the past 12 months. The most common problems experienced are poor quality goods or services, pricing
problems, and misleading information. Around nine out of ten panel members say they have heard of the Trading Standards Service. The most likely means of contacting the Trading Standards Service would be via a telephone helpline.

Being blind, deaf, unable to speak, or having severe mobility difficulties are the things most likely to be considered a disability amongst panel members. Most panel members think that between 6% and 30% of the population in Lancashire has a disability. Panel members tend to hold negative views of the opportunities and conditions for people with a disability. Three-quarters agree that non-disabled people do not appreciate the difficulties faced by those with a disability. The greatest challenge envisaged for disabled people in Lancashire is finding suitable employment.

Project document(s)


Contact information

For more information about this research contact:

Melissa Sherliker
01772 535019


Related information

Life in Lancashire members' website: