Museums focus group

New Search

Purpose The main purpose of conducting the research was to find out how we can improve the services delivered at museums, especially for families, and how they are promoted, as well as hoping to understand what families think of our promotional communication.
Subject Museums and the arts
Commissioned by Lancashire County Museums
Geographic area Preston
Method Focus group
Consultation with Older people (aged over 65)
Date 01/09/2005 - 30/09/2005
Undertaken by Corporate Research and Intelligence Team, Policy Unit


Key findings Museums are seen as being more accessible than they were in the past. However regardless of advertising and publicity if it looks closed people won't come in. Barriers whether perceived or real must be broken down.

People are an important part of the product. Products for
families need to take account of this. Staff play an important role - making people feel welcome, being approachable, able to answer questions etc.

Style of adverts appeal to younger mothers, but older audience is not keen. If targeting family communications at grandparents more careful thought needs to be given to images and texts. Ads should use images that will appeal to children as well as parents. Opening times & visitor facilities are not particularly 'family friendly' and for an older audience the leaflet does not seem to tell them what they need to know.
Outcomes The research has had an impact on the way museums are promoted. The promotional material has been redesigned so it is more attractive, informative and reflective of what is offered at the museums; improvements have been made to the design of the museums website; and where advertising is placed has been reviewed along with its effectiveness.

Project document(s)


Contact information

For more information about this research contact:

Philippa Duxbury
01772 655631

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