Home to school transport parents survey 2004

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Purpose The home to school transport parents survey was for the purpose of finding out the current levels of user satisfaction with the mainstream home to school transport service. This information will be used to assess how effective the Best Value improvements have been and will be compared to the research undertaken in 2001.
Subject Public transport
Commissioned by Bus Service Procurement Transport Service
Geographic area All of Lancashire
Method Questionnaire - postal
Consultation with Parents/carers
Service users
Date 24/03/2004 - 30/04/2004
Undertaken by Corporate Research and Intelligence Team, Policy Unit


Number in sample 3000
Number of responses 1011
Response rate 33%
Key findings Overall the level of satisfaction with the home to school transport service is high with 89% of respondents being satisfied with the overall service, an improvement of 14% on 2001. 18% of parents also feel that the service has improved since their child has had transport, only 8% saying it has got worse, showing that the service has improved.

The survey tested user satisfaction and importance on a number of key service attributes. These include service punctuality, condition and reliability of vehicles used, service given by drivers, perceptions of their child's safety and the Safer Travel Unit, satisfaction with the transport application process, perceptions of information from Lancashire County Council about their child's transport and complaint handling.

Ratings of these service attributes are generally good especially for the punctuality of the service, condition and appearance of the vehicles, and perceptions of the drivers.

Project document(s)


Contact information

For more information about this research contact:

Mick Edwardson
01772 530290

Email: haveyoursay@lancashire.gov.uk

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