Culturally Competent Care in Assessment and Care Management

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Purpose Culturally Competent Care in Assessment and Care Management, Developing good practice guidance for Adult and Older People's Services
Subject Adults with additional needs
Older people
Commissioned by Blair McPherson - Director of Community Services
Geographic area All of Lancashire
Method Questionnaire - online
Consultation with Black and minority ethnic groups
Community or voluntary group
Date 02/04/2007 - 30/07/2007
Undertaken by Jenny Phillips, Shalini Duggan, Mohammad Mustafa, Kiran Banati, Nisba Ahmed, Irfan Ghaus


Key findings Confirmed that the information on the needs of minority groups across Lancashire included in the guidance was relevant. Identified a good practice guide to the care management process. Directory of BME services updated and verified.
Outcomes Links to the equality and diversity strategy. To be considered as a public documentation following review.
Result - Publication on the LCC Intranet entitled 'Who Am I?'

Project document(s)


Contact information

For more information about this research contact:

Jenny Phillips - Strategic Development Officer (tel. 01772 530549)