Home to school transport parents survey 2007

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Purpose The home to school transport parents survey was undertaken to provide data to evaluate service improvements. The 2001 and 2004 survey results provide a basis for comparison that will identify any changes in levels of user satisfaction.

The main themes of the questionnaire were:
* overall satisfaction with home to school transport;
* levels of satisfaction with different service aspects;
* identifying the most important factors in home to school transport;
* identifying the awareness of and satisfaction with the Safer Travel Unit; and
* monitoring complaints, and complaint resolution.
Subject School services eg meals, crossing, EPS
Public transport
Commissioned by Transport Service
Geographic area All of Lancashire
Method Questionnaire - postal
Consultation with Parents/carers
Date 02/04/2007 - 30/04/2007
Undertaken by Corporate Research and Intelligence Team, Policy Unit


Number in sample 800
Number of responses 429
Response rate 53%

Project document(s)


Contact information

For more information about this research contact:

Mick Edwardson
01772 530290

Email: haveyoursay@lancashire.gov.uk