Living in Lancashire wave 39

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Purpose The objective of this survey is to look at people's views about budget and council priorities, cultural services and quality of life.
Subject Budget and council priorities
Quality of life
Other topic
Commissioned by Corporate Policy & Performance, JSNA and Cultural Services Teams
Geographic area All of Lancashire
Method Questionnaire - online
Questionnaire - postal
Consultation with Life in Lancashire panel
Date 14/11/2012 - 07/12/2012
Undertaken by Corporate Research and Intelligence Team


Number in sample 3136
Number of responses 1496
Response rate 47%
Key findings Health inequalities
- Almost four-fifths of all respondents (79%) say they have lived in their local area for ten years or more. Over one-fifth of respondents (21%) have lived in their local area for between one and ten years.
- Four-fifths of respondents (80%) feel strongly that they belong to their immediate neighbourhood. Three-quarters of respondents (75%) feel that they strongly belong to their local area.
- Seven out of every ten respondents (70%) feel that they strongly belong to Lancashire. However, over a quarter of respondents (26%) do not feel strongly that they belong to Lancashire, with one out of every twenty respondents (5%) feeling that they don't belong at all to Lancashire.
- Almost three-quarters of respondents (74%) say people not treating each other with respect and consideration isn't a very big problem or not a problem at all.
- Over two-thirds of respondents (68%) rate their health as good or very good.

Project document(s)



Contact information

For more information about this research contact:

Melissa Sherliker
01772 535019

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