Best Value Performance Indicator (BVPI) user satisfaction survey 2003

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Purpose ODPM prescribed that the General Survey questionnaire template should be used in full to collect the data. The questions set in the questionnaire are those which the Government requires each authority to ask in order to measure the performance indicators.
Subject All services
Commissioned by Corporate Research and Intelligence Team, Policy Unit
Geographic area All of Lancashire
Method Questionnaire - postal
Consultation with General public
Date 22/09/2003 - 23/01/2004
Undertaken by MORI


Number in sample 4500
Number of responses 1639
Response rate 36%
Key findings Overall, almost half of residents (49%) are satisfied with the overall service provided by Lancashire County Council. The majority (56%) of Lancashire residents say that Lancashire County Council's performance has stayed the same over the last three years. Residents' priorities for their area centre on `liveability' issues.

Residents think that many factors relating to `street scene' (eg clean streets, road and pavement repairs and level of crime) and quality of life in the area (eg affordable housing and cost of living) are getting worse. On the other hand, there is a general sense that specific Council services are getting better (eg local tips) or have remained the same (eg libraries, sports/leisure facilities and museums/galleries).

Project document(s)



Marked up questionnaire(s)

Contact information

For more information about this research contact:

Mick Edwardson
01772 530290
