Draft criteria for assessing subsidised bus services

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Purpose Lancashire County Council has developed a new method for assessing subsidised local bus services and wishes to consult on this proposed new criteria.

We spend approximately £7m per year subsidising local bus services and the current assessment of contracts is based on a financial criteria where 40% of the cost of operation should be met through passenger revenue.

This way of ranking can result in those contracts that under perform financially being more likely to be withdrawn irrespective of the community needs that they fulfil.

To take into account the priorities set out in the Local Transport Plan, the county council is proposing to revise the criteria to measure services in a more sustainable way. Each subsidised local bus service will be scored in relation to the purpose of the journey and how accessible it is to the local community.

We are consulting with all interested parties over the next 7 weeks and welcome views on the draft criteria. A questionnaire is available to provide your feedback.

All feedback will be treated confidentially. The feedback will be taken into consideration and, where appropriate, changes will be made in line with comments received. We aim to have an agreed bus service assessment criteria in place by September 2014, which will then be published on our web pages and will be used to assess the current Lancashire County Council subsidised bus network in the future.
Subject Public transport
Commissioned by Tony Moreton Assistant Director Sustainable Travel
Geographic area All of Lancashire
Method Questionnaire - online
Consultation with Businesses
General public
Public authorities
Special interest group
Date 12/06/2014 - 06/08/2014
Undertaken by Corporate Research and Intelligence Team

Project document(s)



Contact information

For more information about this research contact:

Ashley Weir
01772 534564
Email: lcc.bus.services@lancashire.gov.uk