CYP Agency Residential Service - Block Purchase Agreement

New Search

Purpose The numbers of Children Looked After (CLA) across the North West are at unprecedented levels. It can be challenging to find suitable, local children's home placements to meet need, particularly for our most complex CLA. Therefore the Council has devised a draft proposal for the commissioning of Children's Residential Care Service, via a Block Contract Agreement. Information relating to this proposal has been uploaded for you to review and express your opinions through answering the online market engagement questionnaire. Commissioners would like to invite stakeholders to express their views through participating in our online market engagement questionnaire.

The draft service specification giving details of our proposal has been uploaded alongside this document. Please read the draft service specification, which is a working document that will be updated prior to the tender publication, before completing the questionnaire.
Subject Young people
Commissioned by Lancashire Procurement Service
Geographic area All of Lancashire
Method Questionnaire - online
Consultation with Businesses
Special interest group
Date 23/10/2018 - 07/11/2018
Undertaken by Lancashire Procurement Service

Project document(s)
