Snapshot survey

New Search

Purpose The snapshot survey was commissioned by Education and Cultural Services Directorate (ECSD) for the purpose of finding out the current levels of public enquiries to offices across the directorate. This information will be used to improve customer service delivery across the directorate.

The survey recorded enquiry details on a number of attributes. These were day and time of contact, form of contact (eg phone, visit, fax, email or post), the nature of enquiry and what the frequently asked questions are.
Subject Communications
Commissioned by Education and Cultural Services Directorate
Geographic area All of Lancashire
Method Questionnaire - face-to-face
Consultation with Service users
Date 10/11/2004 - 16/11/2004
Undertaken by Corporate Research and Intelligence Team, Policy Unit


Number of responses 1624
Key findings County library and information unit offices recorded 59% of all enquiries. The most common method of making an enquiry was by visit then phone. Peak times for enquires are 10.00 to 12.00 and 14.00 to 15.00, Saturdays are busier in the morning and Sundays are busier in the afternoon. Different services experience different levels of demand over the day.

59% of all enquiries were about library, museum and arts unit; and 9% of all enquiries were redirected, particularly high for committee and office services.

Project document(s)



Contact information

For more information about this research contact:

Mick Edwardson
01772 530290
