Supporting people - Sheltered Housing Survey

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Purpose 1481 survey forms were sent to individuals who were sheltered housing service users. A 20% random sample was taken from each of the service providers currently providing a sheltered housing service to a service user. The purpose of the survey was to form an understanding as to how good a service the service user was receiving. Service Users were asked to give their views on a variety of aspects of the service they are currently receiving.
Subject Priorities for social care services
Commissioned by Supporting people team
Geographic area All of Lancashire
Method Questionnaire - postal
Consultation with Service users
Date 20/06/2005 - 31/07/2005
Undertaken by Supporting people team


Number in sample 1481
Number of responses 815
Response rate 55%
Key findings See attached report

Project document(s)



Contact information

For more information about this research contact:

Contact the Supporting people team or the Business Information Section