Recommissioning care and support in supported housing
Purpose | Definition "Supported housing is defined as any scheme where housing, support and sometimes care services are provided with the purpose of enabling the person receiving the support to live as independently as possible in the community" Making it Real for Supported Housing, Think Local Act Personal, Sitra (June 2016). Typically, the following characteristics will apply which separate this service from 'home care': - there is an agreement between the landlord and service provider; - there will be an established staff presence within the scheme, varying from visiting to 24 hour presence and this will comprise a mix of background and 1:1 support; - the person will have moved to the supported accommodation in order to receive the care and support, i.e. there is a direct link between the accommodation and receipt of care and support; and - the accommodation, care and support would be considered for individuals with on going care and support needs. We are committed to recommissioning services across Lancashire for adults, people with physical disabilities, people with learning disabilities/autism and people with mental health needs because we want to achieve these strategic objectives: - improving service quality - by placing greater focus on: person-centred approaches; the outcomes of service users; promoting independence; ensuring dignity in care; and safeguarding vulnerable adults; - developing the workforce - by strengthening the approach to workforce development and training, and being clear about the required standards; - strengthening the approach to contracting - by being clear with providers about our requirements, having robust contracts and specification in place with greater emphasis on quality, standards, performance and monitoring; and - shaping the market - by offering individual contracts for each tenancy/scheme and promoting a sustainable and responsive care market. Service user consultations Service user consultations have been previously carried out to seek their views on how services can be improved. The main points below have been incorporated into our proposals including: - improved communication between providers and service users, including informing service users about changes to their care arrangements; - consistency of care workers, including having a team of regular care workers who understand their needs; - workforce development and the training of staff, including training on specific and complex needs; - improved terms and conditions for care workers, as service users believe this will help attract and retain higher skilled staff; - flexibility of the service in order to meet service users' needs in a person-centred way. This consultation This consultation is in two parts. In Part A we want your feedback on our draft service specification and key performance indicators. In Part B we want your feedback about our key proposed commissioning intentions. We welcome a response from your organisation. All responses will be considered as we finalise our approach to recommissioning supported housing services. You don't need to answer all of the questions, just answer those questions that are relevant to you. Please reply no later than 10 October 2016. |
Subject |
Other topic |
Commissioned by | Policy, Information and Commissioning (Live Well & Age Well) |
Geographic area |
All of Lancashire |
Method |
Questionnaire - online |
Consultation with |
Special interest group |
Date | 09/09/2016 - 10/10/2016 |
Undertaken by | Business Intelligence |