0-19 Public Health Healthy Child Programme Stakeholder Consultation

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Purpose Lancashire County Council undertook a consultation last year with a wide range of stakeholders, including GPs, CCGs, providers, schools, service users, children, young people and families. Rather than repeat this process, this consultation is intended for providers and key stakeholders involved in the direct delivery of services and stakeholders who commission other services that should link with the pathways and provision contained within the service specifications.

With this consultation we aim to gather the views of current providers, potential providers and key stakeholders to understand their views and opinions about the proposed new service delivery in order to finalise the redesign for a 0-19 (25) Public Health Healthy Child Programme for Lancashire.

The consultation questions are structured around the following four 'lots' of the 0-19 (25) Public Health Healthy Child Programme for Lancashire:

Lot 1: 0-19 Public Health Nursing Services (School Nursing and Health Visiting)
Lot 2: Vision Screening Services
Lot 3: Infant Feeding Support Service
Lot 4: Oral Health Improvement Service

You don't have to answer questions about all of the lots, just those that are relevant to you, and you can skip any questions within a lot that you don't wish to comment on.

Before you complete the consultation, you will need to review the following documents:

- the briefing note;
- the service specification for each lot: lot 1, lot 2, lot 3, lot 4;
- KPI document for lot 1; and
- supplementary information (this isn't part of the specification but will be part of the wider tender documentation when the tender is published).

Your responses will be taken into account as we finalise our approach to recommissioning the services. When we report our findings from this consultation all comments will be made anonymous. However, we do ask for your contact details, as we may wish to follow up specific comments or concerns that you raise. If you do not wish to provide your details you can leave that section blank. Your time and input is much appreciated.
Subject Young people
Commissioned by Wellbeing, Prevention and Early Help Service Lancashire Procurement Service
Geographic area All of Lancashire
Method Questionnaire - online
Consultation with Special interest group
Date 05/06/2017 - 16/06/2017
Undertaken by Wellbeing, Prevention and Early Help Service Lancashire Procurement Service

Project document(s)


Contact information

For more information about this research contact:

Jig Parmar
Email: CAPHprocurement@lancashire.gov.uk